Revell 1/144 Aero Spacelines Super Guppy

Aero Spacelines was a company who only purpose was to modify Boeing 377 Stratocruiser into large cargo transporters... And Its only thanks to them that Airbus found out one way to build their airplanes.
There were several versions of the Guppy, being the Super Guppy the most evolved one. The original engines were switched for turboprop engines, more reliable and powerfull. For a long time, this was the only large cargo transport airplane that existed. But even if not as fast as a jet airplane, it proved to be reliable and usefull. The only big disadvantage was that for loading and unloading, the front would rotate to the left, but too many cables had to be disconected to do so. After being loaded, after closing, it were needed several hours to reconnect and check them. But it was a small price, to pay, because it could carry big loads like no other.
"Every Airbus is born on the wings of a Boeing"... This was a catchphrase true for many years... Because as Airbus was a company made of several smaller ones, each one of them would build one part: wings, fuselage, rudder, etc, and then those parts had to be carried to a central assembly line... It was 4 of these airplanes that assured that those parts would arrive in time.

Now, about the kit, I would have to say that its a little... disappointing... The details are not that bad, and it becomes a nice "ugly"... Thing. But, something is missing... (I think that when I opened the box, as a little boy, was expecting to find a detailed interior... Which i did not found...) Mine was built long ago, and I've lost the decals... will try, one of these days, to give it an overhaul. The front glass is hard to install, and the best its to treat it like a non-clear part.
One thing to be carefull on the building part is that it really needs a lot of wheight in the front, or you'll get a tail sitter... From all the kits I've built, this is the one who needed the highest amount of lead on the front...
The turboprop engines are actually not bad. They do look good!

But if you pay attention to some details, and do an Alclad II chrome paint (not like mine) and use the decals (I've lost mine), It can actually become a nice strange model. It is uncommon to find it now, but just for the "what is that?!" look, and for its history, it can be appealing.


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