Revell 1/144 Boeing 707-320B Lufthansa

This was one of my early kits ever.
The Boeing 707 was not the first airliner that ever flew... But it was the first one that was profitable. This was a revolution on the airplane industry, as it was fast, reliable, and economic. It is not inovative in the true sense of the word, but it was effective. What it is not so easy to do is to identify its versions, as it had several types of wings, different engines, which makes it hard to check if a model is accurate or not. Moreover, even if completelly different, the fuselage design was used on the upcoming models, the 727 and the 737. And in here we see the error on this kit... too narrow... On the left its the Airfix 707-420.

This kit is not bad... It was just a blend of the actual 707 with the radar and the military versions... Which Revell also sold. The raised panel lines aren't that bad... At the time, it was what we've got.
 And actually gives it a Classic look. Like the airplane is... The landing gears could be better, but if we consider their age, their passable... can be improved with a thinner plastic for the covers, and by drilling a little bit to make the wells deeper.
The engine pods are accurate!
And this is not. The airplane with this registry number exists, but with a completelly different engine... With the conway engine... But Lufthansa did had 4 airplanes like this. Just were with different registration numbers...
for its age, not that bad. Innacurate, but it looks good on the shelf. Nothing that would make us drool, but nothing that we wish to use to make a crash and burn diorama...

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